New articles on the Obligement's website (French)
Date 2-Mar-2006 15:07:21 Topic: Miscellaneous News
| During the previous two monthes, the following articles have been added to the website of the french Amiga/MorphOS magazine :
- Amiga and MorphOS news of january/february 2006. - Interview with Olivier Adam (AROS developper). - Review of Quake 3 Arena.
- Review of Sudoku. - Point of view : wrapper GTK/MUI. - Point of view : discovered of AROS. - Article about beginning on MorphOS and Pegasos (update). - Hardware : SCSI bus of the BlizzardPPC 603e+. - Tutorial : use of the keyboard. - Tutorial : use and configuration of CTorrent. - Tutorial : Perfect Paint - draw a CD. - Tutorial : installation of Linux Ubuntu on Pegasos II. - Tutorial : delete a Master Boot Record. - The Amiga quizz !
Rendez-vous on http://obligement.free.fr for reading these articles.