Total Amiga Magazine 23rd Ascars
Date 7-Mar-2006 18:35:00 Topic: Announcement
| With the latest issue about to go to print, Total Amiga Magazine has gone Awards ceremony crazy!
Judge all the category nominees for yourself....
Nominees for the best "Features" Category Mick's Tale of Woe, Update. Internet Radio and Podcasting. Interview with Stephen Fellner (author of DVPlayer). Internet Radio and Podcasting.
Nominees for the best "Review" Category AmiPhoto. ANotice 2. Hollywood 2.0. Poseidon 3.2. SATA PCI Card. TuneNet. AmiNetRadio. MorphOS SDL Games
Nominees for best "Support" Category What is SATA? Subscribing to Podcasts with AmiPodder tutorial.
Check out Total Amiga Magazine, Issue 23, at your nearest Amiga dealer or subscribe. For full details visit our website at http://www.totalamiga.org
Total Amiga Magazine, because anything else just isn't.