www.thinkcommodore.com launched!
Date 27-Mar-2006 20:29:49 Topic: Internet News
| New Commodore Website Launched!
"Think Commodore" is now online at www.thinkcommodore.com
What is Think Commodore? It's a website about emulating the old Commodore 64 and Amiga computers on your Macintosh. The site covers the different C64 and Amiga emulators available for the Mac. It also acts as a guide on how to play your favorite music from the C64 or Amiga. Information on which players to use and links to Commodore music related websites. You'll also find links to downloading those old games and demos.
I switched from the PC to the Mac about one and a half year ago. While there are tons of websites covering the C64/Amiga, emulation, games, music etc. on the Windows PC decent Mac related websites are very hard to find. You end up with dead links or out-dated websites at best. That's the reason why I started "Think Commodore".
Think Commodore is not supposed to be a comprehensive guide to emulation with in-depth tutorials. It's more like a well thought out links collection with a nice design and a little extra "goodie-info" here and there.
As of March 27 the first version of Think Commodore is online. Updates, revisions, new info etc. will be added on a regular basis.
Søren Ladegaard - Denmark Webmaster
PS: "Think Commodore" is an homage to the classic Apple slogan "Think Different". But you already knew that didn't you 