aPod (os4 perl based iPod software) updated to version 1.1
Date 29-Mar-2006 11:30:53 Topic: Software News
| I have just uploaded an update to aPod, my iPod management program.
Get it here
The new version allows to copy multiple songs across at once and to sort the song listview by clicking on the various columns.
Here's the Readme for more info....
aPod: Version 1.1 28-March-2006
apod is an application to mantain and synchronise your mp3 collection on your iPod using from a Amiga OS4 computer with usb.
apod is written in perl and utilises the perl_Reaction interface to the OS4 reaction gui. The interface with the ipod is maintained using the Mac::iPod::GNUpod module.
NOTE: If installing for the first time, apod requires the following perl modules to be installed, if updating you only need to copy the apod and .apodrc files.
perl_Reaction version .02 available from (os4depot.net) Mac::iPod::GNUpod (included) Audio::Wav (included) MP3::Info (included) Unicode::String (incuded) XML::Parser (included)
install any of these you don't yet have by CD ing into they're directory, starting abc-shell and typeing
perl Makefile.PL LINKTYPE=DYNAMIC make make install
copy apod and .apodrc to the location of your choice say work:apod/ assign apod: to this directory.
edit the paths in .apodrc to reflect the name of your ipod etc.
You may need to create the directory :iPod_Control/.gnupod/ otherwise your ipod requires no special initialisation.
Your ipod still requires the apple firmware etc this pogram only handles copying of music file to and from the ipod.
perl apod --help
to get usage
perldoc apod to get full pod documentation.
Added Multiselect to Addsongs. Song List can now be sorted by Columns
Initial Public Release
The underlying mac::ipod::gnupod module appears to have some problems with smartplaylists. If you get a problem with this email me, for a workarround.
Mac::iPod::GNUpod ofers some sophisticated search options and a variation on smartplaylists based on these. adding support for these will be done in the not too far distant future.
Send an Feature requests to me by email and I'll see what I can do...
This work has been largely been to done to fulfil my own needs and to support the amigaos 4 community in general, but it does take a lot of time so if you would like to make a donation there is a paypal button at http://www.broad.ology.org.uk