GoldED AIX Editor - Free Download!

Date 30-Mar-2006 21:08:44
Topic: Software News

As has become a small tradition, I make older versions of my software available for free every once in a while. This time, it's a version from 2002: GoldED Studio AIX SP2. It can be downloaded here.


While this is a free download on my web site, it is not freeware and may not be duplicated anywhere (on other servers or other media). Sale not permitted. It is NOT available for inclusion in other software. This is a limited time offer, traffic limits apply.


SP2, which stands for service pack 2, was made before OS4 was released and before the author had a Pegasos. That means it is only fully compatible with AmigaOS3.

The C/C++ part of this version is designed for SAS/C, StormC3 and vbcc but no compiler is included. Please install SAS/C, StormC3 or vbcc separately, before or after GoldED. The editor is not pre-configured for gcc. Theoretically, it can be configured to be used with any compiler.

No SDK is included in the archive. If you plan to use it for development, please download the OS3.9 NDK separately from Amiga Inc.'s web site. This is best done AFTER the GoldED installation but BEFORE you start GoldED for the first time! Only then will it be recognized by the C/C++ mode and be indexed. Install the NDK as golded:add-ons/c++/ndk_39/...


No support in any form is available for this version, as you might have guessed. If you have questions concerning download, installation or use, please try to get them answered in Amiga forums.


Please keep in mind that this is older software, it lacks many features of later versions and looks odd, especially on post-OS3 systems. It is not meant as a demo of Cubic IDE. I hope that you will also download Cubic IDE to see how far it has progressed. Note that GoldED Studio AIX and Cubic IDE can not be installed at the same time. Use the included "uninstall" program to remove one before installing the other.

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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