PUSH 2006 Countdown - 27 days to go!
Date 1-Apr-2006 23:52:35 Topic: Events
| It is now less than a month until PUSH 2006.1 starts. This time we will probably have more people than ever. The price is the same (200 SEK) but we have arranged the party to run for over four days (Friday evening to Monday afternoon). Since Monday is May 1st most people are off-work we rented the house for this day as well.
The party will take place at Wartagården where previous parties have been held. It's a good house with everything we need. This time we welcome everyone running anything besides Microsoft Windows(tm). This is no longer a Pegasos/PowerPC-only event.
We welcome HJOLUG, who for the first time will show up with more than just one person.
Remember, the 200 SEK price is for everyone who has signed up its interest. Also, the registration is not binding -- it's just a way for us to know how many tables and chairs we need. If you cannot come we will not charge you anything!
See you there!