Updated Remote Desktop client released

Date 10-Apr-2006 17:05:17
Topic: Software News

The Remote Desktop client for OS4 based on the newest 1.4.1 code base has been released and is available to users who have donated on http://www.hd-zone.com.

Some of the new features are:

* All fixable bugs have been fixed in the client and GUI
* move to code base to 1.4.1 (from 1.3.1) which has many improvments (see changelog)
* add "Connection Bar" for full screen mode for easy iconify/disconnect/screen flip
(hint: press CTRL L-Amiga and move the mouse - it will move the bar! :)
* add "Public Screen" option in GUI
* various speed optimizations

Complete change log here: http://www.hd-zone.com/rdesktop/changelog.html

In addition, the GUI is now available as a separate archive and can be downloaded by anyone, again at http://www.hd-zone.com.

Thank you to everyone who has donated!

The Remote Desktop Team

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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