Date 25-Apr-2006 6:21:40 Topic: Announcement
| AmiWest 2006 Date Is Reserved!
===The Hotel is Booked
The Clarion Hotel Cal Expo, site of AmiWest 2005, has been reserved for October 21, 2006! After some hard negotiations, we were able to secure the venue where the inaugural AmiWest '98 show was held.
===Changes In 9 years.
Of course, many changes have occurred in the venue and in Amigadom since that time. The hotel has continued their update and we'll have a lot more news on that as the official information releases begin. We're working behind the scenes to bring another great AmiWest show to Amiga enthusiasts throughout the world.
===Mark Your Calendars Now!
Now is the time to mark your calendars for this new date. After listening to feedback from our loyal attenders and vendors, the October date was set for better weather and better airfares.
===And a Good Time Was Had By All!
That was last year. This year promises to be a good time as well, bringing the Amiga community together at the longest-running Amiga show in the United States! Come and be a part of it!
===Watch for Official Information Releases!
The AmiWest committee is working even as you read these lines to give you good information in plain text information releases to keep you informed of our progress. As always, you can go to our web page to view the HTML versions as well. Watch for developments and contacts.
===See you there!
Don't miss out! Make plans to attend now!