Commodore/Amiga at VCF 9.0, Nov. 4-5
Date 31-Oct-2006 1:12:11 Topic: Events
| Come one, come all to the Vintage Computer Festival 9.0, Nov. 4-5, at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View (San Jose area), California. http://www.vintage.org
Nestled in the heart of the Silicon Valley, the Computer History Museum is full of analog and digital computers harking back to as early as the 1940's. http://www.computerhistory.org
Join the 500 to 700 VCF attendees to listen to the speakers (Steve Wozniak!), marvel at the exhibits, and buy the vintage computer goods of your dreams. The Fresno Commodore User Group will have its usual demonstration/vending table. Come and meet me and FCUG members, Ed Hart, Clark Murphy, Bill Ward, and Mitch Zollinger. Who knows who else you will see wandering through the rooms? (Amigan Dale Luck is a regular VCF attendee.) Come to our table and play with a VIC-20 system, a SX-64 system, NTSC and PAL C64 DTV's and the Hummer DTV, an Amiga CD-32 (this time with several different discs), and a Vectrex (hey, what's that doing here?). As usual, we will have C= hardware and programs for sale - C64's, C128's, 1541's, 1571's, a SX-64, On the Edge books, and more. As usual, we will have cakes, cookies, and punch to hand out to anyone who asks. As usual, there will be other vendors who will have Commodore and Amiga items.
New for this year, Bill Ward will be bringing a video projector and screen on Sunday so that we can have big-time Commodore/Amiga gaming! Also for the first time, I will have an exhibit with a very good-to- excellent condition Commodore PET 2001 with plenty of programs for it to run. Also, check out the strange and mysterious, outboard "sound box" for the PET. Larry Anderson and your PET/Flash Attack exhibit, watch out! For more information on my exhibit or the other exhibits at VCF, go to http://www.vintage.org/2006/main/exhibit.php
Car already packed for VCF, Robert Bernardo Fresno Commodore User Group http://videocam.net.au/fcug