Tales of Tamar update 0.49R1 available
Date 28-Mar-2003 21:16:14 Topic: Software News
| Eternity Software has released a new update for their online strategy game Tales of Tamar. Read more for the details.
"Dear players,
we are always especially pleased when we are able to release a new update. Since V0.48R5, these changes have been made:
- the granary now takes the number of trade offices into account - report for failed piracy - report for successful piracy - report for victims of piracy - dragons and undead - coronation screen - third diplomacy screen - tenth activated in tax screen - vassal contracts in diplomacy - new sounds for coronation and dragons - AnimFX V2 (new animation subsystem)
- rebelling towns still could create scouts and settlers. fixed - cargo can no longer be unloaded onto the ship itself - fix in diplomacy - scouts or settlers loaded on a ship can no longer be disbanded - maximum confidence limited to 500 - figures in the water are deleted upon clicking if they are no loaded onto a ship - dependency on anims removed again
As a world premier, ToT now has a extensive system to manage vassals and aftervassals. The players can now make vassal contracts, and climb in the feudal ladder. There are eight different titles on Tamar: Baron, Viscount, Count, Marquis, Duke, Archduke, King and Emperor. For each ascending in title, there will be a separate animated screen.
But titles are not only a symbol of status, they are also worth real money! Each rank is entitled to a number of free turns per month. If you ascend high enough, you can play ToT almost for free.
The piracy reports were added upon numerous requests from players and tester. Piracy should be an even better feature now.
Dragons were seen!
The dragons are a very old race of winged lizards. These enormous creatures like to settle in far off regions. On Tamar, there are several kinds of dragons, distinguishable by their skin color. They all have some things in common: They hatch from eggs, are carnivore, use their fiery breath as a weapon, love gold and gems and are very powerful.
Dragons live hundreds or even thousands of years. Because of their long history, they tend to look down on younger races like men.
Tamar is the home of different kinds of dragons. Legend has it that some can even be summoned by elves and dwarves if they are in danger.
The strongest and most powerful of them all is the Golden. His fire can destroy whole towns. Fortunately, he is not very aggressive and of a lawful disposition.
Contrary to the Red Dragon. This chaotic-evil creature has nothing in mind but fiery death to all races. He is not as powerful as the Golden, but his aggressiveness knows no limits. He sinks ships, destroys towns and defeats large armies, if need be. Everybody be warned about this dragon.
Dragons usually appear in small flocks of 1 to 4.
Wolfen & the ToT-Team"