New 32-bit OS4 Icons
Date 21-Jan-2007 20:44:31 Topic: Software News
| 19 new or reworked sets in the new 32-bit icon format of OS4 are available for download on www.masonicons.de. --- (read more)
Development DevMI - a basic icon set for developers
Disk & File DisksMI (reworked) - a collection of disk icons DOpus4MI (reworked) - a complete set for Directory Opus
Emulation ArcEmMI - an icon and drawer for ArcEm the Archimedes emulator DOSBoxMI - an icon and drawer for the DOS emulator DOSBox EUAEMI - an icon and drawer for the Classic emulator E-UAE FrodoMI - an icon and drawer set for the C64 emulator Frodo HatariMI - an icon and drawer for the ATARI emulator Hatari RunDOSMI - an icon and drawer for RunDOS a tool for DOSBox
PAINTING PfPaintMI - a complete set for PerfectPaint
SOUND AEMI - a complete set for AudioEvolution HivelyTrackerMI - a complete set for HivelyTracker
SYSTEM CPUWatcherMI - an icon and drawer set for CPUWatcher
VIEWER BibleTVMI - an icon and drawer set for BibleTextViewer FontPreMI - an icon and drawer set for FontPreviewer PicShowMI - a complete set for PicShow
WEB & NET SambaMaticMI - an icon and drawer set for SambaMatic SWATMI - an set of new images for the Samba tool SWAT
WORKBENCH PointersMI - HiRes-32-bit-pointer icons
For further informations visit www.masonicons.de