Display 32bit OS4 Icons in Amiga OS3.x!
Date 21-Feb-2007 18:58:44 Topic: Software News
| Bernd Roesch (author of AfA) has "ported" the AROS icon.library to Amiga OS3.x. He has also expanded it's capabilities. This new library makes it possible for Amiga OS3.x to use the same icons as OS4!
-Displays OS4 style 32bit icons (dual image) -Displays AROS style 32bit icons (dual image) -Displays "regular" PNG icons -Displays 256 color Glow Icons correctly (Ken's Icons) -Speeds up icon display -- Glow Icons are 10x faster display and need NO pens (they have perfect color precision.) -Replaces the Deficons utility -Works with Workbench AND Dopus Magellan! (AmiKit) -Icons display correctly while dragging (including PNG icons)
Bernd has also created a "patch" to allow RAWBinfo to work correctly with the new icon.library.
The new library requires AfA to be installed and replaces both PowerIcons and Deficons. Bernd recommends that you keep the 'start-icon' of PowerIcons on the desktop for compatibility testing and in the event something fails.
This is the final beta release. Please report any bugs or conflicts you find.
Mason's website is a great source of 32bit OS4 style icons and I've also painted a set of 32bit def_icons (plus a few other miscl icons) for use with Bernd's new library.
AfA Homepage Download AfA Download AfA icon_lib.exe Mason's Icons (website) Download Ken's 32bit Icons
Mason' Icons Ken's 32bit Icons (Normal) Ken's 32bit Icons (Selected)
SOURCE: http://www.amigans.net/