ACube Systems Corporate Web Site
Date 24-Feb-2007 18:12:01 Topic: Announcement
| Bassano del Grappa (Italy) - 24 february 2007:
Acube Systems is pleased to announce the opening of its corporate website and some interesting projects. The website will be the main source of information, news and resources regarding all the products and services offered by ACube Systems. Among a lot of interesting features there is an RSS feed and an announcement mailing list you can subscribe to receive all the latest news.
Please visit the new web site at: www.acube-systems.com
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We can finally announce the beginning of the development of STFax 2007, STFax was one of the best professional Amiga programs. Acube Systems signed an agreement with its author Simone Tellini to restart the development of this important program and to evolve it into a more modern package. There will be two different versions of STFax 2007, one called Professional for the single user and a Server one for client/server environment. The package will be available for Windows, MacOS and AmigaOS4, a release date will be announced as soon as possible.
The second important announcement is that Acube Systems will offer to all Amiga One/Teron boards owners a repair service for broken G4 CPU. Full details on our website. More news regarding Sam440ep availability and other projects will follow soon.