Total Amiga Magazine to Cease Publication
Date 7-Apr-2007 14:41:39 Topic: Announcement
| South Essex Amiga Link regrets to announce that our popular print Amiga magazine, Total Amiga, is to cease publication. Issue 26, which has just been completed, will be the final issue of the magazine and is due to be published on 23rd April 2007. The closure has come about because our editor and publisher, Robert Williams, has decided to step down after over eight years working on the magazine.
Total Amiga has built up a large and supportive readership so we want to ensure our subscribers continue to receive a quality Amiga magazine in English. To this end, SEAL have come to an agreement with the German magazine Amiga Future that they will fulfill outstanding Total Amiga subscriptions. To do this Amiga Future will launch a new English edition of their magazine in July 2007.
Amiga Future English will be a translated version of the current German Amiga Future. The magazine will be similar in format to Total Amiga with an A4 size, about 52 pages and colour covers. While Total Amiga is published approximately quarterly, Amiga Future English will be published six times a year at the same time as the German edition. For further information please visit the Amiga Future English web site. Amiga Future are looking for additional translators to help with the production of the English edition, if you might be able to help please get in touch with them via their web site.
The transfer of subscriptions to Amiga Future will happen automatically; existing Total Amiga subscribers do not need to take any action.
We have enjoyed producing Total Amiga over the years and thank everyone who has contributed to the magazine in any way for their help. We would also like to thank everyone who has purchased or subscribed to Total Amiga for their support. If you are currently a subscriber, rest assured that we will do our utmost to ensure a smooth transition to Amiga Future. If you have any questions, we have added many questions and answers about the closure to our web site or feel free contact us (contact details are on the Total Amiga web site http://www.totalamiga.org).