Amiga Future 66 (May/June 2007) Preview and Try-outs Online
Date 18-Apr-2007 23:42:12 Topic: Announcement
| Today you can find the preview and the try-outs of the Amiga Future issue 66 (May/June 2007) online.
Again you can find in this issue numerous reviews like Hollywood, Airline Tycoon Deluxe, Poseidon, MUIbase, Evenmore and so on.
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Besides lots of PD software we have included many full versions and exclusive stuff on the cover CD aswell:
Aqua, Film Duell, Amibroker, Legions of Dawn, Black Dawn, Artistix, Funhouse IV, Thunderdawn, Dark Fiction, Dragon Music, Dark Fiction 2, Dragon Crew, Illusions, Paradox, White Rabbits, Chaos Wars.
You can find a more detailed description of contents and try-outs at the address http://www.amigafuture.de/forum/kb.php?mode=article&k=1303
The Amiga Future 66 is going to be released on 5th May and can already be preordered at the Amiga Future homepage.
This issue will be only in German. Starting with issue 67 the Amiga Future will be available in German and English.
We ask all users with interest in the English magazine to order as soon as possible because only the preordered amount of magazines is going to be printed.
The Amiga Future is available as a single issue and as a subscription (with or without a cover CD) directly at the editorial office or some Amiga dealers.
Dealers wanting to offer the Amiga Future to their customers should contect the editorial office as soon as possible.
http://www.amigafuture.de http://www.apc-tcp.de