OpenSSH 4.6p1-2 Features and Fixes

Date 20-Aug-2007 14:14:19
Topic: Software News

Thanks to feedback from the Amiga community I have been able to add some features and fix some bugs in my OpenSSH port to make it better than ever. For example, I can edit files with vi from my Mac OS X box with TERM set to 'amiga' using standard CON:. No other special software required.

Grab it from OS4Depot today.

Changes include:
- now uses $USER when trying to connect when no user has been specified instead of defaulting to root (thanks Val Marti)
- replaced polling of window size change events with an input.device handler which fixes cut & paste (thanks Alex Carmona)
- fixed server timeout issues caused by the use of select() with a one second timeout (thanks Alex Carmona)
- now uses waitselect() to reliably detect Amiga signals
- added a workaround for a problem with the WaitSelect() function which would miss signals when the timeout is zero
- switched to using the new mutex API

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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