Issue 50 of The CRYPTmag is now out!
Date 2-Sep-2007 11:01:34 Topic: Announcement
| Well! The CRYPTmag has reached issue 50, who would have thought we would have lasted this long, certainly not I.
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In this issue our own Baz Walker hopes to embark upon a very ambitious "AMIGA" project; however he does require your assistance to complete it. We often hear people complain that little happens in the AMIGA world, so this is your chance to become involved in something exciting for Amiga fans. I know from reading various mailing lists and forums that a lot of talented Amiga users are still out there. We need you to help us, so please get in touch, even if it is just to offer advice.
So what do we have for you this time? We bring you 80 articles covering all topics, like these :-
A Simple Amiga A600(HD) Games Port Adaptor. NHS Staff: Get Your Free Copy of Microsoft Office. BBC Mp3 Audio CD to an Audiobook in an Ipod. 50 Issues - By the Staff Writers. Scottish Motor Fair - Knockhill. The CRYPTmag in Audio. Understanding Women’s Breast Health. Why I Choose to Use An Ancient AMIGA In Preference To Current Platforms Part 2, The Hardware Continued. XP Smoker. Safari web browser review.
All this and jokes, recipes, readers section, computer section, guest writers and women's health.
So celebrate with us 50 action packed issues of your favourite online magazine.
The Cryptmag 50th issue