New software releases by OnyxSoft
Date 30-Nov-2007 22:45:09 Topic: Software News
| Fitting for the OS4 release for Classics, OnyxSoft is releasing 5 software updates! This time all happened to be 68k, although they all work 100% on OS4.
Updated programs:
BackUp v1.50 - (68k) Backup program that mirrors a directory structure. Added more parameters to use BackUp from CLI. BackUp can now follow links, or ignore links completely.
TheMPegEncGUI v2.65 - (68k) Full-featured GUI for MP3-encoders and more. Added support for faad - AAC/MP4 audio decoder. Updated italian translation. Fixed a bug with long ID3 strings.
DagensTV v1.42 - (68k) Program for comfortable viewing and get reminded about TV-programs received on e-mail. It was long since this got updated but www.dagenstv.com changed format of their e-mails, hence this update.
JoinSplitter v1.32 - (68k) Split and join files with a GUI. Fixed a bug when adding files to the join list using drag'n'drop.
DigiConverter v1.4 - (68k) Developer tool to convert between decimal, hex, binary, float and ASCII. Fixed the decimal field making it able to take numbers lower than -999999999.
Remember: The more you nag about bugs or lack of features, the more frequent the updates will come!! Since the last update you've been good! I received a couple of suggestions and bug reports for bugs I would't have found myself. Keep it up!