AmigaSYS – Language supporting (read more)!

Date 11-Dec-2007 21:54:26
Topic: Announcement

Do you want AmigaSYS to speak in your language?

The statistic part of the site is finished. I would like to ask everyone, if you writing an AmigaSYS report to a site, please always give the address, because this is the only way, I can get the exact information about the number of visitors, or whence they came.

AmigaSYS currently supports Hungarian, English, and Deutsch. I've noticed, the visitors came from over 35 countries. A percentaged statistics are made, with the visitors from every country. The statistics will shown, if another language support needed beside the English/Deutsch.

What can you do to make AmigaSYS speaking in your language?

Advertise the site, at everywhere, but please only with the address, do not use any other url, because the stat are counts the visitors here, by countries. The number of visitors will be separated by countries and the result will be the average of the month. To make the game more interesting, it won't be enough to just click the link and enter, but at least use 2 link or browse the site for at least 3 minutes. Only then, the system will add the visitor for the country, i suggest the "What is?" and the "Download" part. :)

The language of the first 5 place will be supported by the next version!

The language support will available for these versions :
WinUAE, Amithlon, Amiga 1200/4000, E-UAE, XBOX.

Don't forget, it devolves on you, advertise, click, look it!

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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