DiscreetFX Launches Aladdin 4D Website & Blog

Date 28-Dec-2007 4:53:13
Topic: Software News

DiscreetFX Announcement:

Chicago, Illinois – December 27th, 2007 -- Visual FX company DiscreetFX LLC Inc., launches Aladdin 4D Forums & Blogger website to support the existing Aladdin 4D community. Aladdin 4D has a very vibrant and talented installed user base and we want to give them a place to express their dreams and hopes for the rebirth of Aladdin 4D. DiscreetFX is very happy to open a community website and news blog to support these loyal and creative customers. Expect the site to grow and mature over the coming weeks/months. Welcome to the DiscreetFX product family. The current Yahoo eGroup Aladdin 4D forums will stay open for legacy purposes. Please direct any questions or interests you have about Aladdin 4D to the forum website. DiscreetFX is looking for some volunteers to moderate the forums and create graphics for the forums. Simple Machine Forums experience is a plus. If you do a great job you never know what you might receive.

New Aladdin 4D Forum Website

New Aladdin 4D Blog

About DiscreetFX

DiscreetFX has been creating software products for the Amiga, video editing, computer generated graphics (CGI) industry since 1995. The Amiga computer defined and created the affordable video editing, computer graphics market with its birth in 1985. DiscreetFX creates Real-time transitions and effects seen on over 100 television programs including Blind Date, 5th Wheel, Shipmates and more! You can also see DiscreetFX software used on the following networks HBO, Showtime, Discovery Channel, PBS, Fox and more! Video Toaster, VT[5], VT[4]/[3]/[2], SpeedEDIT are registered trademarks of NewTek. Final Cut Studio and Mac OS X are registered trademarks of Apple Computer. Amiga is a registered trademark of Amiga Incorporated.

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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