There is always something better... AmijeweledV1.3!
Date 12-Jan-2008 23:15:36 Topic: Announcement
| We are very proud to announce the release of a new version of AmijeweledRTG, Amijeweled V1.3!
In this version, some wishes of our customers were implemented, e.g. the long awaited fullscreen mode.
Additionally, we finally found the bug that made the startup of Amijeweled with OS4 a little bit nasty sometimes. Other features are a requester for error message handling and the ability to play sound simultaneously with other AHI programs.
Our customers already received the update via email as usual. Customers of Alinea Computer who bought a CD version there may contact us to receive their update via email, too. Our contact details can be found on our website.
For the Amigans who don´t know Amijeweled or were not fully satisfied with the V1.2 demo version, we provide a V1.3 demo version for download. Try it!
Our development will concentrate on future projects now, mainly the AGA version, which we will develop to bring this nice game to our "roots", too.
Special thanks go to Herbert Klackl who supported us in the development the new version of Amijeweled and tested it thouroughly with MorphOS.
We wish you much fun with the new version of Amijeweled and like to thank all our customers for the praises and the faith they gave to us.
With kind regards
Niels Schapke & Wolfgang Hosemann Insane-Software http://www.insane-software.de/