Amiga Future 70 (January/February 2008) released
Date 15-Jan-2008 15:23:32 Topic: News
| Today the new edition of Amiga Future issue 70 (January/February 2008) is released.
This means that all subscriptions, pre-orders and dealer orders have been shipped today!
In this issue you can find an article about AmigaOS4 for ClassicPPC. Also associated with the release of OS4 for Classic Amigas there is a very comprehensive Special which shows the differences between AmigaOS 3.x and AmigaOS 4.0.
Also we have tested the new version of MindSpace for you, and even better there is a review of the brand new Amiga Forever 2008 in this latest issue.
Additionally in the Amiga Future magazine you will see reviews about AmigaSYS, IGame, Filemanager and lots of more.
Using the URL http://www.amigafuture.de/kb.php?mode=article&k=2356 you can get a more detailed description of the magazines contents and even see previews, extracts from this issue.
The Amiga Future is available as a German or English printed magazine directly from the editorial office at http://www.amigafuture.de and of course from some Amiga dealers as well. You can obtain your copy of the magazine by way of subscription or as a single issue, either with or without the Cover CD.
As usual you will find lots of PD software and even some FULL releases of former commercial software with every issue of the Amiga Future Cover CD.
As it is issue number 70 and also our 10th year Anniversary, we thought it would be a nice way of celebrating this event by releasing the same number of FULL versions as the issue number. ENJOY!
In short: This time you get 70 FULL releases on the Amiga Future Cover CD !
Users interested in this or forthcoming issues please contact us as soon as possible. This also applies to all subscribers interested in extending their subscription, please let us know as soon as possible.
Help wanted
We need someone very urgently to write a PHP script for viewing different web banners. Of course not for free, but we would not like to go bankrupt either. 
We are still on the lookout for translators for the English issue of Amiga Future. You have to be able to translate German articles into good, clearly readable English text. (Otherwise you would have to read such news texts...
If you want to help us, just write an eMail with the subject "Amiga Future" to andreas@amigafuture.de
http://www.amigafuture.de http://www.apc-tcp.de