APC and TCP 2008
Date 29-Jan-2008 12:31:35 Topic: Announcement
| This year APC&TCP have plans for many Amiga projects.
We would like to offer you a brief outline of our plans.
Many people doubted there would be any further development but we want you to know that it is still intended to be released, but in small updates. You should be aware that it is one of the most complex projects for the Amiga. Thousands of files have to be accounted for, updated and maintained. Future versions will require AmigaOS4 and will use a brand new ReAction GUI. Furthermore there will be support for many new file formats making the transfer between different platforms easier.
Amiga Guru Book
The German Amiga Guru Book has been available from us for some time. That's why many users asked us if we could make the English one available as well. The English version is going to be completed later in 2008, but due to lack of time, it will be around the middle of the year when it is ready, but it will eventually be finished :)
Of course the development of CygnusED is also continuing. A new update is already in the pipeline but it will take some time to complete. We are also on the look-out for a competent developer for the MorphOS version!
An additional developer has been working on DigiBoosterPro for some time now. This has made development much quicker than was at first anticipated. Currently we think that we can give you a detailed status report in 2-3 months. Maybe even sooner... and if everything goes smoothly, there will be a version of DigiBoosterPro for 68k, AmigaOS 4, MorphOS and even AROS !!!
Desert Racing
Actually a version of Desert Racing for AmigaOS4 and MorphOS has been planned for some time. Unfortunately the developer responsible for the game is very busy at the moment. That's why we are currently looking for a new programmer. Desert Racing has been written in BlitzBasic. Anyone interested in assisting with this development is invited to contact us.
Flyin' High
Currently we are working on an AmigaOS 4 version of Flyin' High. However it's not ceertain whether the port will ever be finished. We can only say that someone is working on it, but there is no promise that it will eventually be released. Many people have asked us if we were going to release a sequel to Flyin' High. The problem is we have no available developers to continue the work at a steady pace, and even less graphic artists. So sorry, at this point there is not likely to be a sequel to Flyin' High.
MED Soundstudio
Here the development has been long and drawn out, mainly due to the lack of time and technical problems, but this year it should finally be completed.
Amiga Future
With issue 70 the Amiga Future has reached 10 years old. That's a tremendous reason for us to celebrate. As well as the 6 issues of the print magazine intended for this year 2008, the Amiga Future homepage is going to be greatly enhanced and will contain lots of new features and content. In fact, we believe that the size of the Amiga Future homepage will double. We hope that the hits will rise like they have done over the past 12 months ;)
Is there any more news?
Currently we are in negotiations with people regarding various projects which we want to publish for the Amiga. New projects, mergers and aquisitions, ports and others, but nothing is set in stone at this point. However, you can be sure that there will be many new releases from APC&TCP in 2008!
http://www.amiatlas.de http://www.digiboosterpro.de http://www.amigafuture.de http://www.apc-tcp.de