DvPlayer v0.65 Released
Date 18-Feb-2008 21:40:24 Topic: Software News
| A new version of DvPlayer is now available on the DvPlayer Website.
Read more for changes in this version....
Changes in this version:
- Added support for ASF and WMV files with prebuffering, intelligent frame- skipping, index handling and a/v synchronisation
- Fixes and improvements to rendering routines and added support for some new YUV colour formats
- Added USEBAND tooltype/option allowing the performance to be fine-tuned on different systems
- Added AUTOEXIT tooltype/option
- Added SUBTITLECHARSET tooltype/option allowing to specify any character set for subtitles (by default the system setting is used)
- Added suport for html-style tags in subtitles: currently italic tag is used, other tags are ignored
- Fixed bugs in subtitle support
- Fixes and improvements in audio/video synchronisation
- Added support for volume adjustment via provided keys on Multimedia keyboards
- Many other bugfixes and improvements (GUI, menu, I/O plugin handling, etc.)
If you're a registered user you should have already received the update via E-Mail. If you have not, please contact the author.