New Word Me Up XXL update.

Date 3-May-2008 21:12:16
Topic: hardware OS4

Word Me Up XXL is now fully localized in Portuguese. Being a truly international game, Word Me Up XXL is available in eleven languages: French, English, Italian, German, Spanish, Swedish, Russian, Latin American Spanish, Polish, Hungarian and Portuguese. This second update also adds a few minor internal improvements. A new level is included in demo version too. Don't forget to register your copy to get it. Game is already available for AmigaOS 4.0 and MorphOS version is currently in beta-test. We hope to release it soon.

You can download a free demo containing 4 levels:
- On our website here or there
- On OS4 Depot

Please note that a review is already published in Amiga Power fanzine and that game gets best possible mark and becomes Amiga=Power! Superstar!!!. Another review will be published in next Amiga Future issue.

With WordMeUp XXL, take fun!

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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