Update of the Amiga games list
Date 16-Jan-2009 15:29:31 Topic: Software News
| The "Amiga Games List" (http://obligement.free.fr/articles/listejeuxamiga.php), maintained by David Brunet since april 1991 has been updated in its 38th edition. About 850 new entries have been added, the total now reach 13528 entries distributed as follows :
- 12416 games. - 953 datas. - 125 games or levels editors. - 34 interpreters.
Here the change since the v37 :
- In the "Div" column (misc hardware), addition of games with EGS display. - In the "License" column, addition of MIT, WTFPL (Do What The #### You Want To Public License) and Open Source licenses. The Open Source licenses is for free games with available code source but which doesn't enter in others license categories. - In the "License" column, the "GPL" mention is renammed "GPL2". - In the "Edit" column, addition of the mention "Ext" for editable datas. - In the "Language" column, addition of the name of the editor of the editable datas. - In the "Language" column, addition of games created with Glulx, Z-Code (zblurb version) The Director, Allegro, ScummC, MegaZeux, NCurses. - Addition of games hidden into others games. These games without name are renammed with the name of the host game + the mention [Subgame].