StarDict 3.0.0 for AmiCygnix released
Date 21-Apr-2009 15:24:23 Topic: Software News
| A release of StarDict 3.0.0 is now available on OS4-Depot. StarDict is a Cross-Platform and international dictionary written in Gtk2. It has powerful features such as "Glob-style pattern matching", "Scan selection word", "Fuzzy query" etc.
* Hundreds of available dictionaries. * Translation of words into an other language. * Explains words using special encyclopaedia. * Shows similar words. * Links itself to every GTK2 application. Because of this, StarDict is an ideal supplementation to AbiWord and other text programs. * Translates whole text blocks using the internet. * The entered word can be sent to a user defined internet page (Google, Yahoo, Wikipedia, etc.) * Included dictionaries (AmiCygnix package): - German -> English (Freedict) - English -> German (Freedict)
StarDict and AbiWord:
The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (optional):
Download: Dictionaries: Homepage: