Next SCCAN meeting - Saturday, June 6
Date 31-May-2009 15:56:08 Topic: Events
| Hi, everybody,
The next SCCAN meeting will be on Saturday, June 6, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.. The emphasis at the meeting will be on Commodore and Amiga music! I intend to bring some Commodore MIDI cartridges, and Joe will hook them up to his Roland MIDI keyboard and/or guitar board. I'll also bring the Cynthcart 1.2.4 for non-MIDI music production. We'll be listening to Amiga MODs, SID tunes from Seth Sternberger (8-Bit Weapon), and a disk of SID tunes from the Anything Commodore User Group.
We meet at Joe's house in Castaic from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.. It's barbecue time, and Joe will be grilling. For a reminder of Joe's exact address, just e-mail to me.
Hamburgers and hot dogs, Robert Bernardo Fresno Commodore User Group Southern California Commodore/Amiga Network July 25-26 Commodore Vegas Expo -
P.S. Hollywood filmmakers, Rory and Jerold, have been following me in my Commodore activities, and they will be there at the SCCAN meeting with their video gear.