Update Amiga Hardware Database (2009-06-14)
Date 14-Jun-2009 21:53:28 Topic: Internet News
| The Amiga Hardware Database (http://amiga.resource.cx/) has been updated today, with quite a few new install disks, photos and manuals.
Find the latest changes here: http://amiga.resource.cx/recent.html
New expansion: * Analog MEGAmiga * Proton Amiga RAM Board * Alcomp Meß- und Steuerinterface * Alcomp Soundsampler Amiga 1000
Expansion description updated: * Spirit Inboard 1000 * Dr.T's The Phantom * Great G-Force 030 (Impact A2000-030 Combo Series II) * Anakin Easyl * W.A.W. BigRAM 2008 * Kato Unity * Archos OverDrive CD * Computer 40/4 Magnum * CardCo aMEGA * Mimetics SoundScape
New Photo or Gallery Picture: * HiSoft Whippet * Pre'spect Slingshot * Scott Triceratops * Mimetics SoundScape * Alcomp Soundsampler Amiga 1000 * Dr.T's The Phantom * Analog MEGAmiga * Elbox Mroocheck (Mroczek / Topolino Mk II / Punchinello Mk II) * Proton Amiga RAM Board * Alcomp Meß- und Steuerinterface
New Software: * Dr.T's The Phantom * DKB RapidFire * Xebec 9720H * Spirit Inboard 1000 * Village Picasso II * Mimetics SoundScape * Anakin Easyl * Spirit HDA-506 * Paravision SX-1 * Great PhonePak VFX * ASDG Dual Serial Board * Microbotics MBX 1200 & 1200z * X-Pert Domino * Interactive Trumpcard 2000 * Alfa AlfaPower Plus * Alfa AlfaPower * Phase CyberVision 64/3D * NewTek DigiView * Interactive Trumpcard Professional 2000 * Interactive Trumpcard 500 AT * Interactive Trumpcard 500 & Trumpcard Professional 500
New Manual: * Spirit Inboard 1000