Amiga Forever and C64 Forever 2009.1 Released - Cyber Monday Special

Date 30-Nov-2009 17:16:56
Topic: Software News

A few months ago Cloanto released Amiga Forever 2009 and completed the set of supported Commodore/Amiga systems by adding C64 Forever to the product line. The two packages share the same RetroPlatform player and content management framework, and also work very well together. For example, when an RP9 game file is double-clicked, the correct player opens automatically. Amiga and C64 (or VIC 20, PET/CBM, etc.) content can even be played back side by side.

Brand new features like AmiKit and AmigaSYS integration, RetroPlatform Library with live updates, RP9 Manager to import and export content, new ROMs and enhanced support for Windows 7 (both x86 and x64) contributed to making the 2009 version of Amiga Forever the most enjoyable and polished version yet. The same ease of use and refined features made C64 Forever a most welcome addition to the landscape of C64 emulation solutions. The free Express Edition of C64 Forever quickly emerged on popular download portals as the favorite C64 emulator application.

Cloanto's RetroPlatform Team is now pleased to announce the release of a major free update of both packages, with a version number of 2009.1.

New 2009.1 features include:

- Passed official Windows 7 Logo tests
- Support for Windows 7 "Recent" jump lists
- RP9 Manager: Added Rescan, Export to SD card
- "Now Playing" interface
- Updated "Tip of the Day" content
- New Software Director to check for updates
- Detection and automatic resolution of certain system issues
- Fixed a few bugs in the player
- Various performance improvements

The change logs of each package contain additional details:


Existing customers have already been sent upgrade instructions. For first time users and upgraders, a special Cyber Monday offer at a 20% discount is in place from today until the end of the week. To get the extra discount, enter coupon code "CyberMonday" at checkout in the Amiga Forever or C64 Forever store pages.

We remain committed to improving the software and cataloging, preserving and making accessible as many bits and bytes of Commodore/Amiga history and culture as possible, delivering free RetroPlatform Library updates, games in the new RP9 format, and enabling hardware devices which can read data written by Amiga Forever and C64 Forever. All of this work consumes a lot of time and resources, and we are very thankful to our customers, for whitout their support all of this would not be possible.

Thank you!

Your RetroPlatform Team

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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