Icaros Desktop 1.2 has been released!
Date 9-Dec-2009 2:47:14 Topic: Software News
| New "point release" for the most popular AROS distribution. The new version provides direct ADF support for old games and demos in AmiBridge, adds dozens of new features, games and programs, and has a completely new look! A incomplete list of improvements from version 1.1.5 includes:
- new official Icaros Desktop themes and theme manager - Updated SDL, MESA and many other libraries - Grub2 hack to use netbook resolutions on Intel GMA900 GPUs - Poseidon now available as kernel module - Improved 68K apps integration in AmiBridge . no double pointer anymore using workbench applications . added more uaegfx resolutions in full integration mode . Added Amiga games/demos ADF support with sound - added ZuneARC to manage zip, lha, rar, tgz and other archives - updated PortablE - updated development chain with newer include files - updated wookiechat to latest beta - added support for audio CDs (PlayCDDA) - added desktop wallpapers from artist Wilhelm Steiner - added desktop wallpapers from abraXXious - added many new games and emulators - updated DosBox to latest revision - added BOH demo from Simone Bevilacqua - updated NoWinED to latest version - added first Gallium3D demos for GeForce cards - updated OWB to release 0.9.9 - added SDLBasic 1.0.2 - system files updated to December 2nd, 2009
For more informations, screens and download links please follow this link to the Icaros Desktop web site.