Bubbelsche Deluxe - FULL VERSION available
Date 14-Feb-2010 17:23:47 Topic: Software News
| Our first game "Bubbelsche Deluxe" is now available on www.amiboing.de.
You can buy the game via PayPal or Banktransfer and it costs 5,- Euro. For purchasing you need a valid amiboing.de account, if you don´t have one you can register for free.
Before you buy, please test the demoversion also available on the game detail page.
We hope that the purchasing process works well, if there are problems please contact us on mail@amiboing.de
Here is the Link: Bubbelsche Deluxe - Game detail page
In the full version you can upload your highscores to amiboing.de and earn awards while playing. The awards are added to your amiboing.de account as "PlayerRating".
On the right side of the menu screen you have two buttons, the left is to use when you have performance problems (radeon 7000, 32MB), with the right one you can mute the background music.
Have Fun! We hope you enjoy the game and remember: this is just the beginning of our work and we grow with every little project to publish bigger games and software...
Best regards,
imagodespira and Goos McGuile.
More Information: www.amiboing.de