AmiTwitter Ver. 0.27 Public Beta Release 2

Date 24-Feb-2010 21:18:28
Topic: Software News

New features of this release include full localization. Catalogs that have been completed thus far: Deutsch, Español, Français, Polski, Nederlands, Italiano, Greek. More are planned or in work. If you are interested in doing others please contact me.

Other features that have been added to this version include a number of characters typed countdown for Tweets and Direct Messages (thanks JahC!).

Also new menu items include most recent Direct Message -> Sent and most recent Direct Message -> Received. The logo size has been reduced and enhanced to better represent the Operating Systems it runs on, Modern looking .png button images courtesy of Martin "Mason" Merz.

International Character Support via codesets.library has been implemented! This allows for a much better display particularly of international characters output. Feedback in general and donations have been few and far between... please consider making a donation or sending an email.

Files are available here for AmigaOS 3.x and MorphOS:

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