AWompatition time! Celebrating 25 years of the Amiga
Date 13-Apr-2010 16:18:38 Topic: News
| To aid in the celebrations for the Amiga having been with us for the last 25 years, in conjunction with Trevor Dickinson and A-EON, Amigaworld are proud to announce their biggest competition to date - the AW 25th Anniversary Celebration Puzzle Competition (or AWompetition 2!)
Update 2010-04-13: Email works now, so you can start sending in your answers, if you have submitted the answers before today, please resend, to make sure it came through /tomazkid
With this somewhat special event, we have some incredibly special prizes to be won kindly donated from a variety of sources, not least of which is coming from A-EON themselves!
Full details of this competition can be found here.
Winners will be announced on the 23rd July - the actual 25th Anniversary day.