Icaros Desktop on a pendrive how-to

Date 12-Jun-2010 21:46:46
Topic: Miscellaneous News

A new document has been published on the Icaros Website. It explains how to create a bootable AROS pendrive using the recently released Icaros Desktop 1.2.2 update disc. The resulting pendrive can be used both to boot the system (on motherboards which allow booting from this kind of devices), and to install Icaros on the hard drive (like live CD/DVDs). It may be good to use or install the distribution on laptops without a optical drive, like netbooks and many "light" notebooks, or to allow booting AROS on systems with unsupported devices or controllers. Instructions are available in PDF format, so you'll need Adobe Acrobat or a compatible reader to view them, like for instance ArosPDF.

> More informations here.

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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