Amitopia TV 13th of June 2010 is out

Date 13-Jun-2010 13:36:15
Topic: Announcement

Yet another Amitopia TV show is out. This time, the show main improvement is a better Amiga News program and layout/design, more contributions for AmiReporters and adjustments in sound quality.

Content of this show!:
- Amiga News with MorphOS 2.5 news, Amiga killed a patent, PolyGlot update
- AmiReporters with AmiGBG from 2005, AmigaOS 4.1 boot and more
- AmigaDemo with a brilliant demo from Breakpoint 2010
- MusicBox takes you further with a new musicvideo for yet another Protracker made song.
+++ much more...

Amitopia TV is a non-commercial service for all interested in Amiga. Thanks for Vimeo for letting Amitopia TV be able to be streamed!

For download or watch:
Amitopia TV website

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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