ClipDown v3.0 released on OS4Depot
Date 3-Aug-2010 21:15:42 Topic: Software News
| Version 3.0 adds the capability to save and print the clipboards text contents. It filters out any non-printable characters and performs line wrapping for printing. This allows for cutting text from web pages or other sources and keeping a copy. It also adds the ability to to "Snapshot" windows or any marked area on the screen and save it as a .jpg file via the SGrab program. These new features can be found under the "Tools" menu. It also adds support for several more getvideo sites in "Auto Mode" and more.
See below for full list of changes.
A small OS4 utility which uses 'wget' to download webpages and files pointed to by HTTP: and FTP: protocal URL's that reside in the clipboard. Additionally it can play/view or save direct link graphics, audio, video and postscript (PDF etc.) files as well as files on sites such as YouTube and Myspace. Playback and viewing requires "AmiGS", "Multiview" and optionally "getvideo" and "Mplayer (read docs about version required)".
History: Version 3.0 (Released):
- Added support for Apple movie trailers. (
HD movies will be played in 480 SD. Currently the site does not work with Amiga browsers, but hopefully this will get fixed in the near future.
- Added auto mode support for the following sites. (requires getvideo v.26)
- Added "Tools" menu item to print clipboard contents. (up to 10,000 chars)
- Word wrap needs further work but works OK for now.
- Added "Tools" menu item to save clipboard contents. (up to 10,000 chars)
- Added "Tools" menu item to snapshot Window with SGrab. (5 sec delay to pick window.)
- Added "Tools" menu item to snapshot marked area with SGrab. (left mouse to mark, right mouse abort)
- Added routine which tries to find SGrab on your system and enable menus if found. (tooltype overrides)
- Added SGRAB_CMD tooltype and -g option to supply path to SGrab in case above fails.
- Added routine which tries to find MPlayer on your system and enable menus if found. (tooltype overrides)
- Increased max clipboard size to 10,000 characters.
- Increased "Show Clipped Info" to show 1st 500 characters from 200.
- Corrected spelling of "different" in error requester.
- Added "Installation" item to help menu.
- Modified to recognize new YouTube URL's for "Auto Action" mode.