Awompetition 2 Aftermath

Date 19-Sep-2010 1:22:55
Topic: News

We had joy, hope you had fun

The AW 25th Anniversary Celebration Puzzle Competition (or AWompetition 2!) started April 1st,
now it is September, so really time for a closure now.

To all the contestants, thank you for participating.
To all the prize sponsors, for the fine prizes.

After months of blood, sweat and tears, we had:

The Winners

Antti Järvinen, a.k.a. Painkiller, won the Part 1, Amiga Faces.

Vincent Perkins aka Amigang, won the Part 4: The correct number of Boing Balls

Gabriele Peterle a.k.a. Peterray won the Part 5: Identify the Mystery Spaceman

Now we were down to the final:
Four contestants made it this far, and got the title of

Ultimate Amiga Geeks

Gabriele Peterle aka Peterray
Hannu Kuittinen aka Hanzu
Ventzislav Tzvetkov aka drHirudo
Juan Carlos Oviedo Olmedo aka ovi

To get this far you had to identify at least 100 "Amiga faces" and 25 Amiga images with the correct quantity of each. You also needed to find 28 Boing Balls and correctly identify Dave Needle as the mystery Amigan in the spacesuit, which was not an easy task, since no one got it right the first time, so the timeline for this question was extended for a retry.

So they made a really strong effort to get this far

Hannu Kuittinen aka Hanzu , was the runner up and won of the 2nd Prize

And the winner of the 1st prize, an AmigaOneX1000?

Using the immortal words of “Highlander” – "There can be only one!"

He did a very strong effort through the whole competition, reaching a final score of 99.9% and along the way to win the grand prize, he managed as well to win Part 2: Special Community Prize as well as the Part 3: Amiga" Related Images.

Congratulations to Ventzislav Tzetkov aka drHirudo for a top-notch effort

Our sponsors
A big thank you for the fine prizes for this competition.

A-EON Technology & Trevor Dickinson for the AmigaOne X1000.

Hyperion Entertainment for the AmigaOS4 for PPC equipped Classic Amiga's and Hyperion-Entertainment Games Pack.

Airsoft Softwair for Hollywood 4.5 for Amiga flavors.

Amiga Future for the Amiga Future Mouse mat.

Amigakit for the Competition Pro Classic joystick.

Cloanto for Amiga Forever 2009.

The answers and other stuff

PDF with the answers

Revised puzzle image

Sponsor Image

The competition announced

And also thanks and special mention to Andrew Korn and Trevor Dickinson, for the "needle in a haystack" riddle.

We hope you all enjoyed the competition! / Staff

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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