Retro Game and Computer event
Date 8-Apr-2011 12:52:04 Topic: Events
| Only one week and than starts our yearly Retro Game and Computer event: Van Pong tot Playstation.
At this spectaculair event we have a lot of other Retro Groups, Musea and collectors participating who will show their most beautiful computers. There will be all kinds of computers like Commodore, MSX, Vectrex, Sega, Nintendo etcetera. Special is that all visitors are allowed to play on a lot of this computers. So we will try to create a sort of active and living museum.
We will have around 200 different kind of (game)computers in the two halls. This event will take place at Saturday april 16th at the Trefpunt, Kerkweg 21, Maarssen, Holland from 10:00 till 17:00 and the entrance is for free!
Look for more info at http://commodore-gg.hobby.nl/