New Word Me Up XXL update (1.3)
Date 16-May-2011 19:36:45 Topic: Announcement
| A new version of Word Me Up XXL for AmigaOS4 is now available. This update 1.3 includes notably: - new tunes composed by Anders "Boray" Persson, - visual enhancement of "Shop" screen, - compiled with GCC 4.2.4.
This update is free for all people that have already bought the game. Others can buy the game at 16,99 euros.
Don't forget to register your copy to get updates if you don't buy game via our webshop. And always send us your new e-mail if it's updated.
You can dowload a free updated demo containing 4 of the 60 game levels here.
With WordMeUp XXL, take fun!