Jack 1.9 - The Big Commodity Update
Date 16-Sep-2011 20:51:30 Topic: Software News
| Jack 1.9 - The Big Commodity Update
Two updates in one week I hear you cry!? Yes, here is another update of Jack before I head off to Spain tomorrow for a well deserved week in the sun.
So What's New?
Jack 1.9 is now designed to belong in your WBStartup as this is a refinement of major features into one place, the Commodity window.
So yes... the Welcome Window has disappeared.. never liked it anyway! And... the Quick Access bar from the file manager has been removed.
The Commodity window features all the great features both of those previous windows into one great interface.
What's more the Commodity Window features a 5-day Weather Forecast for your area.
(And there's more!) I have also added (not 1, but...) 2 Drag n Drop areas. The first accepts files and will attempt to display them for you the second accepts images or volumes and allows you to browse through in (glorious :p) full screen mode.
Also (fingers crossed) IamSonic's missing Curl error should be gone.
I hope you enjoy this new release. :)