Jack 2.6 - Now Available

Date 21-Nov-2011 22:44:29
Topic: Software News

Jack 2.6 - Now Available

Change Log:

* Calendar: You can now add events to the native application AOrganiser or Google Calendar.

* App-Store: Rate It buttons working again.


* WBStartup: New tooltype 'DELAY'. On first-run Jack will pause for specified
number of seconds before trying to make a connection to the internet. Users
who don't plan to add Jack to their WBStartup can safely set this to zero.

* Slideshow Mode: It is now possible to Zoom In and Out of any image using
plus (=) and minus (-) on the keyboard.

* App-Store: No crash when closing Sign-up window via the Cancel button or
keyboard shortcut.

* General: Handling tooltypes and command line arguments has been improved.

* General: Serious fix to broken HTML and URL encoding and decoding.

Download/Installation instructions:

* Existing Users - Simply start your current version of Jack as normal and when prompted click the confirmation button to proceed with the download**. Open the Installation Drawer and click on the Install Jack icon - after that simply select the location where you already have Jack installed and the installation is complete.

** Requires Jack to have left OS4Depot's upload queue.

* New Users - Visit OS4Depot and type Jack in the search box. Or use this link: http://os4depot.net/index.php?function=showfile&file=utility/workbench/jack.lha Make sure v2.6 has replaced the older version.

Installation is simple, just press the Install Jack icon and select a location where you would like Jack to be installed. Jack will now appear on your Dockbar.

Please submit all bug reports, suggestions and feedback on: http://bugs.os4depot.net/

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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