New bounty: Updated and improved Avcodec.library. for AmigaOS4.x

Date 6-Jan-2012 22:25:14
Topic: software OS4

Avcodec.library is an Amiga port of the open source ffmpeg project's libavcodec static library.

The actual Amiga port of the avcodec.libray (used for DVplayer) is now quite old (51.52 from 2008) and there are lots of features, corrections and improvements on the original avcodec sourcecode that the Amiga version of avcodec.library doesn’t contain. This is about to be changed by Diego Cassoran who is working hard on a new version, using one of the Amigabounty loaner systems.

Show your your support for this fundamental library and make a donation:
Avcodec.library bounty

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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