Results of the Amiga Games Award 2011
Date 4-Feb-2012 15:30:54 Topic: News
| On February 4th 2011, the magazine Obligement have announced the results of the Amiga Games Award 2011. This represents the best Amiga games voted by amigans on all Amiga platforms.
For AmigaOS 68k :
1. Mr Beanbag (Jigsaw Lounge) 2. Bermuda Syndrome (Century Interactive) 3. Barrage (Michael Speck)
For AmigaOS 4.x
1. 1941 Extreme Deluxe Dual Players 2.0 (Badblocks, Hugues Nouvel) 2. Swamp Defense (EntwicklerX). 3. River Pirate (EntwicklerX).
For MorphOS
1. Return To Castle Wolfenstein (ID Software, Gray Matter Interactive) 2. 1941 Extreme Deluxe Dual Players 2.0 (Badblocks, Hugues Nouvel) 3. Simutrans (Hansjoerg Malthaner, Simutrans Team)
1. UFO: Alien Invasion (UFO: Alien Invasion Team) 2. Assault Cube (Rabid Viper Productions) 3. Cube 2: Sauerbraten (Wouter Van Oortmerssen)
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