"Boing Ball" re-visited - part 2
Date 24-Feb-2012 13:18:42 Topic: hardware OS4
| Wellington, 23rd February 2012
Following the recent release of the RadeonHD graphics driver for AmigaOS 4.1 Update 5, which made it's official debut on the AmigaONE X1000 "First Contact" system, we are pleased to reveal that we have now concluded a further agreement with Hans de Ruiter for the continued development of his RadeonHD drivers for the AmigaOS.
In a statement De Ruiter commented, "I am currently working to get the driver fully ready for 3D, and to release quality. Thanks to the support of Trevor Dickinson (A-EON Technology), I will be able to devote more time to RadeonHD driver development over the next few months, and achieve this goal much sooner than would otherwise have been the case. The features being worked on include: Vertical blanking interrupt support for RadeonHD cards (no more wasting CPU cycles when double-buffering); Video RAM (VRAM) management for the RadeonHD_RM.resource (intelligent VRAM buffer paging)." De Ruiter added, "The last feature is essential for stable 3D operation. I look forward to delivering RadeonHD.chip version 1.x and, of course, to be able to run modern 3D applications using RadeonHD cards and AmigaOS." Dickinson said in reply, "I am really pleased to help fund Hans' RadeonHD driver work. This is excellent news for all AmigaONE X1000 owners, including myself and hopefully should benefit all AmigaOS 4 users in the future."
About Hans de Ruiter & HDRLab: Hans de Ruiter is an electrical & electronic engineer and leading AmigaOS developer and Amiga enthusiast. His website - HDRLab - details various projects, many of which are AmigaOS related. The biggest of these is the RadeonHD driver for AmigaOS, an ambitious project that aims to deliver modern graphics capabilities for the AmigaOS platform.
About AmigaOS: The AmigaOS dates back to 1985 with the introduction of the landmark Amiga 1000. Today, under the guidance and control of Hyperion Entertainment, AmigaOS has evolved into a modern operating system without losing that intrinsic "Amiga" look and feel.
About the AmigaONE X1000: The AmigaONE X1000 is not like other computers. It is a culmination of efforts by real Amiga enthusiasts and developers to create powerful, modern desktop hardware for the AmigaOS. It is the natural evolution of the Amiga's PowerPC lineage and is based on the PA-Semi Dual-core PA6T-1682M CPU and includes Xena, a "Software Defined Silicon" co-processor. Above all it runs the latest version of the AmigaOS.
HDR Labs - http://hdrlab.org.nz/projects/amiga-os-4-projects/radeonhd-driver/ A-EON Technology - http://www.a-eon.com/ AmigaOS - http://www.amigaos.net/
A-EON Technology