Winners Announcement
Date 13-Mar-2012 17:29:33 Topic: Miscellaneous News
| Not long ago we offered to give away several prizes. Below are the winners, several have already received their gifts from DiscreetFX. Others will get them very soon. Please note we added a prize because you asked for it, one additional AmiZilla Classic Thong. Congratulations Moxee!
1. Dave M Morris - In My Sleep Bluray/DVD Combo Pack
2. Randell Smith - In My Sleeo Bluray/DVD Combo Pack & Millennium/Aladdin4D 5.x Combo
3. Tony Schiffbauer - Aladdin4D 5.x Instant Download
4. Fred Booth - Aladdin4D 5.x Instant Download
5. Manuel Jesus - Aladdin4D 5.x Instant Download
6. Robert Peran - Aladdin4D 5.x Instant Download
7. m0lebrain - AmiZilla Classic Thong
8. Moxee - AmiZilla Classic Thong
9. Gopal - NewsTek Magazine Issue #1 (Cheap!)
10. spotUP - Instant Download of Millennium for the Video Toaster 2000/4000.
Please make sure you e-mail us your mailing address if we have to send you physical items. Shipping is of course free, we would not charge you for your spoils of war. We still have the grand prize, a Video Toaster 4000 for a video slot based Amiga, who wants it? We also have one "In My Sleep Bluray/DVD Combo Pack" left, who wants that? Still two Millennium's for the Video Toaster 2000/4000 to give away as well.