New Joystick/Joypad library from Huno
Date 17-Mar-2012 11:05:19 Topic: software OS4
| During the Amigāteries 2012 (pictures here), organized by HunoPPC from the Club Evolution 4 association, Hugues introduced a new version of 1941 DX Dula Players (not yet released) with new effects.
This new version now uses a totally new library for handling joypad/joystick names HunoJoyWrapper. Thanks to this library, adding joystick/joypad support in any program only takes 15mn.
To prove it, Huno modified the code of ThunderSlash (a shoot'em up released a couple of years ago) which had no support for Joystick. This not yet released version now supports joytick and it only took Huno 15mn to add this support.
Many joystick/joypad drivers are already included in the library (and a generic one is uded for those without a specific driver). These drivers are used to map buttons at the right place.
You can help Huno improve his library. You just have to follow some small steps described in the readme (the actual readme contains english mistakes at the and a new one will be included). A GUI to configure your joystick/joypad is included in the archive
This library is freeware (just read the readme file).
Once again, Huno shows the Amiga community its talent and bring us a little jewel which will greatly helps game programmers in their developments.
Coming soon from Huno: new version 1941 DX Dual, new versions of former shoot'em ups with joypad support, new Zelda versions (with locales and joystick support, etc...) and many more. Stay tuned !
If you appreciate Huno's work, do not hesitate to donate a little something.
Visit Huno's site Donwload libhjw.lha (still in the queue section of OS4Depot.net).