FlowerWay - puzzle based on moving doors released!
Date 17-Mar-2012 21:28:36 Topic: software OS4
| I want present my new game: FlowerWay. Your game goal is get out from labirynth with many doors. There are some rules to open doors - you can push it, you can walk near from proper side (think about closing door after you...). Doors can also change position by interacting with self... Doors very like hiding on the walls :)
There is implementation very fascinating game oryginally created as online flash game. Now you can play it natively on AmigaOS4 thanks to code in PortablE.
Now screenshoots:

And download link from OS4Depot: download
Not always my game selection for coding was best, but I'm sure - that game you must like! I'm interested what users think about my new production so please give me feedback here. And usually I thanks Chris Handley - without him this game can't be realized.