New Hurrican release

Date 30-Jun-2012 0:32:57
Topic: software OS4

A new version of Hurrican has been released by HunoPPC. One of the best Turrican clone is now has been updated for AmigaOS 4 with new features.

* Graphics have been reworked and are much nicer (and less blocky). MiniGL still required.
* Joystick support has been added thanks to HunoJoyWrapper library
* In game music is now supported
* Many languages are supported : French, Portugues, English, Polski, Deutch, Spanish and Svenska

Download & Screenshots click READ MORE:

Hurrican from OS4Depot
Visit Huno's site (please, consider a small donation to thank him for his great work).

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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