Belgian Amiga Club Meeting 28/07/2012
Date 25-Jul-2012 11:53:00 Topic: Events
| Just a small reminder for our next Belgian Amiga Club meeting next Saturday evening @ The Mouterij in the town of Zwijndrecht, John Tulpinkcstreet 15, Belgium .
- Various classic Amigas will be shown by our members
- MorphOS 3.1 running on Apple Powerbooks http://morphos.de
- A presentation regarding Gui4Cli by Joseph Duchâtelet http://www.os4coding.net/blogs/josduchit
- Laurent from AMEDIA COMPUTER LUX S.A. will present his FPGA Arcade / Replay board http://faranheit.dyndns.org:8080/FPGA%20Arcade
- Bert Jahn, WHDLOAD's creator once again offers keyfiles to our visitors @ 10 euro ! http://www.whdload.de